"Finally, be strengthened by the Lord and by his vast strength. Put on the full armor of God so that you can stand against the schemes of the devil." Ephesians 6:10-11 Have you ever wondered what it means that Christians are engaged in a spiritual battle? Do you wonder how you are supposed to fight against sin and spiritual darkness in your everyday life?
Stand Firm: Putting on the Full Armor of God is a three week study that will:
* Help you understand what the armor of God is and how to put it on
* Give you a true understanding of spiritual warfare and your role in it
* Equip you with practical tools to fight sin in your life
* Teach you to persevere in the face of temptation
* Encourage you to find your strength in Christ alone
‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus: A 40-Day Journey to the Cross Through the Words of Christ is a forty-day journey through some of Jesus’s most well-known words in the Gospels that will help you grow in your love for Him.
By exploring these sayings, you will be given a well-rounded view of Jesus that includes:
-What Jesus came to do
-Who Jesus is
-What Jesus values
-What Jesus taught
-What it looks like to follow Jesus
-Jesus's final words from the cross
Each entry in this study covers one of Jesus’s statements and unpacks its significance to help deepen your understanding of Him. Also provided are reflection questions, prayer prompts, and weekly summaries that will help you grasp the importance of these words for your own life.
Have you struggled to make friends? Or keep them? Whatever your experience has been, we were all designed for community. We all want to feel connected. Thankfully, God does not leave us on our own to figure out the ins and outs of friendship!
Craving Community is a four-week study that will:
* Help you to fix your gaze on Jesus who gives us friendship with God.
* Show you the attributes of a godly friend. * Equip you to navigate difficulties in friendship.
* Encourage you to pursue godly friendship even when it’s hard.
As a mom, you know two things to be true: motherhood is wonderful, and motherhood is hard. We have the privilege of shepherding little hearts and pointing them toward the love of the Father. And at the same time, motherhood often requires greater self-sacrifice than many of us have ever experienced. Steadfast Motherhood is a 60-day devotional for mamas who are balancing the joys and trials of motherhood. So, whether you love your role as “mama” or are currently wrestling through this weighty calling, whether you are a new mama reading this devotional during nap time with spit-up on your shirt and coffee in your hand, or whether your children are fully grown and out of the house, our hope is that this book will point you to the love of Christ and the contentment that can be found in Him alone.
"Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28
Is there hope in Christ for us when anxiety swells within? Can we find peace in God when our circumstances are anything but peaceful? The answer to these questions is yes!
It Is Well | Anxiety Study is a three-week study that will:
* Encourage you to rest in God’s peace instead of staying stuck in anxious thought cycles
* Help you to trust God as your source of hope when anxieties arise
* Remind you that God can redeem every fear and worry for our good and His glory
* Equip you with Scripture that will remind of God’s love and care for you when you need it most We pray that the study will be helpful and encouraging, but it is not a replacement for medical treatment or biblical counseling.
Prayer is hard. Harder than it seems it should be. We are busy, distracted, and unsure if our time spent in prayer is actually amounting to anything. We want to have a vibrant, passionate prayer life, but instead we may have one that is cold and apathetic.What is the cure for this? It is a true, biblical understanding of prayer.
Pray is 5 weeks of study that will:
- Help you overcome the lack of a desire to pray
- Show you how to make time for prayer even when you are busy
- Answer your questions about why God answers yes to some prayers and no to others
- Teach you how prayer can be a source of strength in times of sorrow, anxiety, and frustration.